Wednesday 3 March 2010


I had an email yesterday from Michelle with the following news. It sounds quite dreadful. Needless to say, I am thrilled that he wasn't badly burned. The update today was about the firemen. She thought they were cute, he thought they were cute. She wanted to know if she should bake them some cookies. How lame is that when she has me on offer!! I guess those 6,000 miles are a bit of a drawback. Perhaps even my age. How old are firemen anyway?

On another note..... Daniel had BBQ accident last night. he was messing with the propane tank and it flared up on him. He is fine now, but it was quite the scare. I had to call 911 and less than 5 min. later there were 2 firetrucks and several firemen at our house. We spent almost 4 hrs. at the ER at St. Joseph's hospital. He has first degree burns on both hands and arms. Today it seems to be more like a sunburn. Thankfully no blistering. Thank God that Olivia was no where next to him when this happened. It was bad enough that we (Olivia and I) witnessed it all happening from inside the house. Poor Olivia was crying because she saw fire and daddy very frightened.
What a night, but all is well today.

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