Sunday 23 May 2010

Weekend with Harry

Alison had to be in Cambridge on Friday and Sian was having minor surgery so Harry came to Oxford. This was fantastic for me and I think he enjoyed it as well. Alison brought him here on Thursday but I had an evening meeting of the Headington Festival committee so Chloe came to babysit. She had to be at school in the morning so she spent the night. Harry sleeps in his travel cot and I shared his room with him. However, it is critical that he not be able to see me so I have a clever arrangement where I put a long bamboo pole from the top of the wardrobe to the window opposite. I sling a sheet over this which hides my bed and me.

We spent Friday morning at Cotswold Wild Life Park where his primary interest lay with the roundabout and the train. We took two train rides through the park and I tried in vain to interest him in rhinos, ostrich, zebra. All he wanted to do was to look at the wheels on the train engine. At first we thought it might be Thomas but then it turned out to be Percy. He didn't care as long as he could watch the ratchets going around. The roundabout was equally good because it had a double decker bus. He found his way to the top and enjoyed waving to everyone. The lady who was running it seemed to like him because she gave him an extra free ride. If he continues to be as cute and lovable as he is now, it will be hard to convince him that in this life, "there is no free ride!"

On Saturday morning we drove down to Brighton where his Mummies were waiting. When they got up on Saturday morning, they found the house too big and too empty. Harry and I solved that problem for them in about three minutes flat with our presence and our stuff. I came home this morning to my own quiet house.

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