Monday 18 January 2010

I see the earth

It rained hard on Friday night and the snow was gone by Saturday morning. I made my way out to Sandhills where the SeeSaw offices are. There were six of us starting the training program. We had that usual thing of introducing ourselves but instead of getting on my high horse and being all negative, I decided to learn and remember everyone's name. I succeeded. I have an added problem in that I can't always remember people's faces. I don't fall into that large category of people who say "I never forget a face but I'm bad with names." I'm bad with both. I know that there are two Anne's, two Chris's, a Deidre, a Rebecca, a Simon, a Jenny, a Kathy and a Rosie. We spent the day doing exercises in how to talk and listen to people and some other things which will work with young children, i.e. making poster boards and badges. I had a great day. I'm looking forward to the next session. I walked home (1&1/2 miles) and collapsed into the chair in front of the TV. Rushed off to bed at 9:30.

Yesterday I started my car for the first time in two weeks. I was expecting it to be dead as a doornail but it fired up on the first try. It is a really crappy little car but I love it - so reliable. I went down to the farm for lunch and then took Rosie for a walk to the playground. I came back and collected Adam and we went to see Avatar in 3D. I loved it almost as much as he did.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great weekend. We finally got some snow over night that washed away our horrible smog. Off to x-country ski with some people.
