So what have we been doing besides yakking and eating and drinking? Mostly fun things. I’m taking Jane and her two best friends out for a lobster meal tonight. Oh boy; can’t wait. They are somewhat ho hum about lobster (living in the Maritimes) but I love it.
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of George’s death and we drove down to Halifax for a memorial mass at the church where he had been head honcho for several years. The Jesuit who took over from him had us for dinner before the mass. Fred and Theresa came as well and many people who were George’s flock. As far as I can tell about these things, it was a great success. I think he would have been pleased.
On Saturday evening we went to a surprise birthday party for one of Jane’s friends. There were about a dozen people and the sense of friendship and good will was heart warming. These people have known each other for years; raised their families and done all those good things. One setback on the activity schedule was our trip to Magnetic Hill. This is a weird place where you put your car in neutral and it goes uphill by itself (I think). It was closed so I wasn’t able to be amazed and impressed.
Before we left Halifax today, Jane drove me around all the old places that were my stomping ground as a teenager. The house we lived in is now a carpark. I knew this had happened but it was still a jolt to see SUV’s where my bedroom used to be. We went past the house that my grandfather built in 1920. Not only is it still there but it has been well looked after over the years. Tomorrow I say goodbye to Moncton and we go to Windsor to stay with Fred and Theresa for a couple of days before I fly back on Friday night. On the way to Windsor we are going to stop at Gate of Heaven Cemetary to visit our mother’s grave on the family plot (more tombstones!)
There are lots of pictures but Janes system is different so they will have to wait until I get back.