It was on Sunday the 13th. He was two so he didn't actually understand what was going on but he knew he liked it. His grandparents, John and Pat and aunt and uncle, Mark and Emma and cousins, George and Martha came over from Eastbourne and, of course, I was there. We drank champagne while he opened his presents and then we all had tea and birthday cake. After the Eastbourner's left, we collapsed somewhat. Harry went to bed and we juvenile adults watched the final of X Factor. We were pleased that Joe won. Alison wants to be his mother and I could handle being his grandmother but we may not get the chance.
Who was the clever clogs who put Bob the Builder on top of my cake?
I bet it was my Mummy Sian(she was letting her inner artist out).

What happened to my candles? Did I blow them out? And what's with the singing? Let's eat!

I let George have a piece of my cake even though he tried to blow out my candles.

Mummy Sian enjoys the same TV shows that we do so we let her watch with us.

I am wearing my killer Bob PJ's and getting my nightly fix of Upsy Daisy.
Fabulous pictures! What a great party. I wish I could even remember either of my two turning two....