Sunday 21 November 2010


I have been having a bit of trouble with my knee so I bought a book about the 7 Day Arthritis Diet. The first day is a fast and then gradually adding fruit and veg - you know, the usual rabbit food. But I thought it would be worth a try so I fasted on Friday and this meant, in addition to no food, no coffee; ditto for the 7 days. By Sat. evening I had a ferocious headache and then Leo invited me for dinner so, guess what? End of 7 day diet. Lots of coffee this morning - feel great. This morning I was surfing around the net and I stumbled upon the diet for me. See below.

Man loses weight eating sugary snacks
A nutrition expert has managed to lose nearly two stone in 10 weeks by just eating sugary snacks. How?

Apparently what he discovered during this research was that it is the calories that count not the type of food. (Do you think someone actually funded this research?) Anyway, I like his approach and I'm willing to give it a try. Today is the perfect day to start since I am having a friend and her friends around for a birthday supper for her. She is a celiac so I offered to make a gluten free birthday cake. The cake is baked and looks okay but the proof of the pudding is in the blah blah blah. Of course I have a fridge full of healthy food for the now defunct arthritis diet and I should eat that before I go out and stock up with cake, crisps, pizzas etc. I will post updates on this scientific investigation.

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