Jane smelling a tree at Craig's behest (I guess they're still in love!)

We left on Friday afternoon for the four hour drive to C R. The closer we got, the more impressive was the scenery. I had brought my proper big camera and enjoyed picture taking. I was only sorry that I didn't have a better grasp of F stops and all that stuff. We stayed in a motel and Jane had booked two rooms, one for her and Craig and one for me and the children. I put a stop to that immediately. I couldn't inflict my snoring/sleep apnea gasping on the poor little things so I got a room of my own. Everyone was happy. The weekend was excellent; beautiful weather and scenery to die for. Sunday afternoon saw us back in SLC.
I went to see Kathryn on Monday. It was a marathon session but lots was accomplished. Jane and Catherine and I went to the nail shop for mani/pedi. My nails look better than they have in months if not years. Ryan is coming for dinner tonight.

Gorgeous scenery & the nails look good, too. Sounds like you're having a lovely trip.