Wednesday 10 February 2010


What does the title above stand for? The first right answer gets a prize.

I've been away for a bit. Away from the blog that is. One thing I have done was to spend a weekend at Earnley. That is my favourite residential course giving place. I went with Alison. She did spinning and I did choral singing. We had a wonderful time. I loved it so much I have been looking for a choir to join in Oxford. I may have found one. I'm going tomorrow evening to see about one that Diana told me about.

The other thing I have been doing is continuing with SeeSaw. I have been going for training classes on Tuesday evenings and have also had a couple of all day Saturday sessions. We are learning about dealing with children who are in grief over the death of a near relative. I have an assessment interview tomorrow to see how I am doing. I will be with them for an hour talking about the training and how both I and they think I am doing. It really hit me last Saturday how harrowing this work will be. If I make it through to the end, it won't be like reading or role playing; it will be the real thing with a real child who has maybe lost a parent or sibling.

I should post some pictures but I am still trying to learn the Imac system of dealing with photos. It is the one thing that I haven't found easy with this machine. Other than that, I am loving it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Sian is totally stressing about getting this comment up ASAP! She tried to do it herself, but she has no suitable ID. Ha.
    Ergo, I am the conduit for her brilliance:
    Long Time No Blog.
    She is excited about the prize.
