Today would have been George's birthday. He would have been 72. His death is still a great mystery to me. He had no vices.
I was at Ruskin today for day 4 of my drawing course. It didn't go very well today. Drawing from a cast is more difficult than still life. I felt very depressed and sad. Maybe it was because of George but it felt more like "Little Orphan Annie"* making a visit. "ACR"** was not much in evidence. I hope she comes back tomorrow. She was with me all day yesterday. "Little Orphan Annie" won't leave without a fight. Tomorrow is the last day of the course and I won't be sorry. I would rather accept that I can't draw than suffer through another course like this one. Next weekend at Earnley will be much better. I have homework to do now. UGH!
* "Little Orphan Annie" - the name I have given to one of the people who lives inside me. She is very dependant and sad and pathetic and needs constant looking after. She's a pain in the 'you know what' but she has no intention of giving up her hold on me without a terrific fight.
** "ACR" - that's the big grown up person who is determined to have and enjoy a new life. She also lives inside of me. She would like to see the back of "LOA" and who knows, she might manage it one day.
me too looking forward to Earnley. am collecting pics and other Russia detritus so i can make a truly horrifying scrapbook!