I have discovered a new 'get things done' guru. It is called Flylady and Alison told me about it. This is a follow-on in my feeble attempts to get organized and to get my life going smoothly. She, Alison, started me with 'Eat that Frog' which concentrates on defining the worst job you have on your list (I live with lists) and doing it first. I then moved on to 'Pomodoro' which is a 25 minute timer that you use when you have a long drawn out job; i.e. sorting the bookshelves or wardrobe. You set the timer and when it goes off, you can take a break for 5 or 10 minutes and then reset it and get back to work. The latest 'improve yourself' effort is called Flylady. You start off with a 28 day program of gradually getting things in order and keeping them that way. Day 1 was easy. It was called 'shine your sink'. The idea is that if you always have a clean shiny kitchen sink, you will feel good about yourself. Before I went to bed last night, I cleaned and polished my sink and I have to say that when I got up this morning, I did feel good not having to face dirty dishes. Day 2 (today) was to start the day by getting dressed. My usual routine is to sit at the computer in my nightwear drinking coffee and wasting time. Well, not today. I'm still wasting time but at least I'm showered and dressed whilst doing it. The Book Club is meeting at my house tonight so I have to be both tidy and intelligent. We are reading "Mother's Milk" by Edward St. Aubyn. I won't say here what I thought of it because I must save my opinions for the group.